What is Healthy Sheboygan County 2020?

Healthy Sheboygan County 2020 (HSC2020) is a community- based initiative seeking to make positive changes in the health status of Sheboygan County by the year 2020. Members of HSC2020 include representatives from public health, local health care agencies, schools, businesses and community representatives.

Since it was formed in 1993, Healthy Sheboygan County has been working to fulfill its mission to improve the health of the people of Sheboygan County, leading to a community with 'Everyone Living Better, Longer.'

Healthy Sheboygan County 2020 focuses on increasing the community's awareness of public health issues specific to Sheboygan County including:

  • Activity and Nutrition
  • ­Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse,
  • Health Literacy
  • Mental Health

To learn more about these coalitions, HSC2020 and the great work that is being done, you can go to our new website at healthysheboygancounty. org. The website is easy to navigate and brings you the most current information on HSC2020 efforts.

Here you will find information on local resources, community events, articles and more. HealthySheboyganCounty. org is a one stop shop to find information about the health education and prevention initiatives that are going on in the county.

One of HSC2020’s large campaigns currently underway is the OK2ASK health literacy campaign. You may have seen bus signs, posters, brochures and buttons out in the community and asked yourself—what is that all about?

The purpose of the OK2ASK campaign is to encourage people to talk to their health care providers by reminding them that it is always “Ok to ask.” Every day people are faced with making decisions about their health — decisions they might not understand. Without an understanding of health messages, people are more likely to skip needed medical tests, visit the emergency room more often, and have more problems handling illnesses or health issues.

The OK2ASK campaign encourages people to start by asking their health care provider and pharmacist two simple

  • Why is it important to me?­
  • What should I do next?

By asking these initial questions OK2ASK reminds people that it is important to build strong partnerships with their health care team.

You can find more information on the OK2ASK campaign and the other work that HSC2020 is doing by going to our new website, healthysheboygancounty. org.

Libby Holte is a public health educator for the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health. She is a member of the HSC2020 Health Literacy Coalition and is the HSC2020 website administrator.