Names, stereotypes don’t help those needing help
Community leaders meet to discuss how we lack drug and alcohol treatment providers in Sheboygan County.
National Recovery Month has arrived
I joke with family and friends that I’m “addicted” to chocolate.
Anniversary of smoke-free air is here
Wisconsin and Sheboygan County are celebrating the five-year anniversary of smokefree air.
Would-be moms still smoke, despite risk
Tobacco-related health disparities continue to be an issue within our community.
Sheboygan County has a network of amazing nonprofits and citizen groups offering priceless services.
Kick Butts Day: Urging smokers to kick the habit
Today, March18, is celebrated annually as “Kick Butts Day,” a day to encourage adultsandyouthtoquitusingtobacco products and support those efforts.
Take the national drug IQ challenge
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is one of the leading organizations in the country conducting research and using science across a broad range of disciplines related to drug abuse and addiction.
Helping Pregnant Women to Stop Smoking
January is National Birth Defects Prevention Month, and my suggestion is that Sheboygan County residents to do everything we can to provide our newborns with the healthiest start possible. Helping pregnant women to quit smoking would be a great start towards giving our local babies the best possible start.
Responsible drinking today and for the next 365
Happy New Year!
Let’s raise our glasses to toast the seven community members who have recently been trained as teachers of TIPS–Responsible Beverage Service training.